Teach Your Family About the Cost of Energy
Many of us have heard the phrase before, “turn the lights off when you’re not using them!” Although it’s a simple action, perhaps our families aren’t doing it because they don’t understand what happens when th lights are left on. It’s difficult, especially for the little ones, to understand that doing something so small has such a big impact. This is why it’s important to show them there is energy attached to that light and there are consequences for using it when it’s not needed. Sometimes even explaning that it’s wasteful doesn’t do much good, when there is so much waste in our world as it is. To show your family the cost of electricity, fill up a jar with enough coins for a movie ticket or an ice cream cone, any affordable treat. Everytime your girl leaves a light on, take one dime from the jar. Leaving one 100 watt light bulb burning for 10 hours costs ten cents. This will show your family that our actions, even small ones like turning off a light, have consequences. Of course, once there is not money left in the jar, they will learn using energy costs money; money that could be used on more fun activities. It also costs our planet.