Teach Your Family About the Cost of Energy

Many of us have heard the phrase before, “turn the lights off when you’re not using them!” Although it’s a simple action, perhaps our families aren’t doing it because they don’t understand what happens when th lights are left on. It’s difficult, especially for the little ones, to understand that doing something so small has such a big impact. This is why it’s important to show them there is energy attached to that light and there are consequences for using it when it’s not needed. Sometimes even explaning that it’s wasteful doesn’t do much good, when there is so much waste in our world as it is. To show your family the cost of electricity, fill up a jar with enough coins for a movie ticket or an ice cream cone, any affordable treat. Everytime your girl leaves a light on, take one dime from the jar. Leaving one 100 watt light bulb burning for 10 hours costs ten cents. This will show your family that our actions, even small ones like turning off a light, have consequences. Of course, once there is not money left in the jar, they will learn using energy costs money; money that could be used on more fun activities. It also costs our planet.

Go Green with a Washer and Dryer

Even if your current washer and dryer is working properly, it’s still using large amounts of water and energy that could be saved if it was a newer, modern model. Finding a high-efficiency washer is easy, and most jasminlive models use less than half the water of a standard washing machine, 18 gallons of water per load to 40 gallons of water per load. High-efficiency washers also take out more water during their spin cycle, which lowers dryer time.As for high efficient dryers, they don’t have the same amount of savings as the washers, but they do have good benefits. Dryers in the United States use the same amount of electricity as then entire city of Los Angeles uses in one year (58 billion kilowatt hours). Of course, the best way to fight this is to hang clothes outside to dry, or using indoor racks. However, there are some other ways we can save energy when it comes to washing and drying our clothes. Only run full loads. Wait until there is enough dirty clothes to fill the washer and dryer to capacity before running them. However, make sure you don’t pack things in, as this could use even more energy. Wash less. Some clothing items don’t need to be washed after every use, like sweaters or jeans. Setting these aside will save a little energy. Air dry if possible. If you can use the sun to dry your clothes, do it when you can. Drying racks are effective, too, and both of these options are free. Wash with cold water. Just about 90 percent of the energy used for the washer is from using hot water. For the most part, cold water should do the job. Adjust water levels. If you have to wash something, but don’t have enough items to fill a load, adjust the water level to the lowest setting.

Water-Conserving Home Products

Water is a precious natural resource upon which all known forms of life depend. However, many of us take this vital substance for granted. The average American uses an astounding 100 gallons of water per day. In California, excessive water use has depleted rivers, leading to the endangerment of multiple species of fish. And despite being one of the most naturally water-rich states, Wisconsin’s underground water reserves are dwindling. Everyone can do their own part in conserving water. Besides consciously using less water for routine activities like showering, brushing your teeth and washing your car, you can also invest in devices for your home that will help you reduce water usage. Consider the following water-saving solutions: Water-saving toilets – Using about six gallons of water per flush, your toilet is probably the biggest source of wasted water in your home. Think about investing in a low-flow toilet, which uses about two-thirds less water than a standard toilet. For even better water savings, get a composting toilet, which uses no water at all. Water-efficient dishwashers – Most water-efficient dishwashers can wash up to 130 items with only about 2.5 gallons of water. Besides saving water, these dishwashers are also more energy efficient than standard models. Aerated shower heads – These innovative chaturbate devices use multiple pairs of fine water jets that are directed to collide and break the surface tension. As a result, you use less water while still getting an efficient and enjoyable shower experience. WaterSense faucets – Sink faucets account for a little over 15 percent of indoor household water use. A WaterSense faucet can reduce a sink’s water flow by about a third without harming performance.

Which Kind of Tankless Water Heater Should I Buy?

Thinking about getting a tankless water heater but not sure whether you could get a gas or electric model? Based on the following cost factors, decide which type of unit makes more “cents” to you. Initial cost – Electric tankless water heaters are significantly cheaper than gas versions. An electric tankless water heater for the whole house normally costs about $500 to $700; a gas model will set you back $1,000 or more, particularly for advanced systems with electronic ignition. Efficiency – Electric tankless water heaters are also more efficient than gas models. The majority of electric tankless units are at least 98 percent efficient, while their gas counterparts peak at 80 to 85 percent efficiency. Utility costs – Gas tankless water heaters are generally about 10 to 15 percent less expensive to operate than electric versions, as natural gas usually costs less than electricity. However, may not be the case in your region, and gas prices are less stable than electricity prices. Even if gas is much cheaper than electricity where you live, the lower efficiency of gas vs. electric units may negate the utility cost savings of choosing a gas heater. Maintenance – Electric tankless water heaters do not typically require any maintenance. Gas tankless water heaters need annual maintenance. Life expectancy - A tankless water heater is a long-term investment, with most tankless water units estimated to last at least 20 years, depending on usage, maintenance, and other factors. But because it has less moving parts than a gas model, an electric tankless water heater typically has a slightly longer life expectancy than a gas version.

Urinals: Better Than the Low Flow Toilet

This might be hard to believe, but there’s a growing trend that’s got the men of the house installing urinals in their homes. In fact, a urinal uses significantly less water than a traditional toilet. There are even urinals available that don’t use any water at all. These zero-flush urinals can save up to 40,000 gallons of water every year, which is equal to the size of three large swimming pools. Just as installing a low-flow toilet would, installing a urinal in your home will cost an initial investment, but you will see significant savings afterward. In fact, a urinal will pay for itself in less than a year, and of course, the savings will continue year after year. You can reduce installation fees by putting in a zero-flush model. These models cost much less to install because there is no water line or flushing device to deal with. With the prediction of sewer charges and rising water prices, this idea might sound better than you initially thought. Beyond the money savings, you’ll never have to lift, or close, that toilet seat again. If you’re in the market for it, give a urinal a second thought and see if it could benefit your home.

Biggest Household Energy-Suckers

If you have sky-high energy bills but aren’t sure why, or if you’re simply looking for ways to save money in general, consider the following list of the biggest culprits of household energy waste. Addressing even one of these issues may result in significant energy cost savings. Vampire electronics - Even when they’re not turned on, electronic devices can cost you a lot of money. Avoid wasting electricity by plugging devices like jasminelive TVs, computers and gaming consoles into a power strip, which you can keep switched off when you’re not using these devices (or, you can unplug each device individually). Single pane windows - Single pane windows are another major source of energy inefficiency at home, representing as much as 40 percent of energy loss in older homes. Consider replacing single pane windows with double pane, energy-efficient windows. Insufficient insulation/weather stripping – Depending on severity, this could be your biggest household energy sucker. When doors and windows aren’t sufficiently insulated, cold or warm air escapes your home and your heater or A/C works extra hard to compensate. Fortunately, installing some inexpensive weather stripping can work wonders for this problem. Outdated HVAC– Look for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) units/systems with a high SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating). The SEER of top rated units can be as high as 19. Depending on where you live, you may even qualify for a federal rebate to replace an outdated HVAC system! Refrigerator/Freezer – These appliances can waste energy due to old motors and poor insulation. Consider replacing your fridge/freezer with a unit that has an Energy Star label. Choosing a smaller appliance will also help you save money in this area.